Quote Originally Posted by Goosechaser View Post
I will be out in the middle of September to do some fishing. I plan to troll with #1 dipseys and spoons. This will be my first attempt at using these. From reading posts on here I have learned a lot. What i would like to know is if I am running 2 per side and the outside rod catches, how do you reset this rod. Clear the inside rod or is there a better way. Thanks.
We have been running dipseys in 70+ FOW out of Geneva for the past 4 weeks without a problem. I run the outside dipseys (the smaller ones) back 200'+on a 3 setting to keep it away from the inside pole and the bigger dipsey set at 1 1/2 or 2 without the "0" ring and keep it shorter like 100' to 150' and when the outside pole takes a hit, as soon as I set the hook I move the inside pole to run directly behind the boat so it stays out of the way and keep the busy rod out to the side as far as you can. Separation is all important! Only had one tangle in the last 3 trips so this approach must work and we limited out before noon on each trip. Let me know how you do.....