Hey there! I'm new to this site,an was looking for some input . I was fishing out there the end of last week an did well when the weather,or I should say wind would allowed me to fish. I was wandering if the bandits would still be productive the beginning of June? What about bomber 24a's or storm jr's . I didn't want to get my fingers dirty with worm guts Lol! I plan on spending a week there in early June. I call it gods country. Alot of you guys and girls are blessed to live so close to walleye machine like erie. I caught most of my fish near mouse, mostly on the stock bandit's . Humble bee did the most damage for me then the black headed wonder bread was runner up 60' back , 1.3-1.5 .Any information would be truly appreciated. I have been reading this site for a few months now,an would like to thank everyone for the shared imfo. I was beginning to wonder about the human race in my area. This site is very enlightening. THANKS again!