Quote Originally Posted by lineman49 View Post
Talk with the locals some will give out info. but most are tight lipped. A lot of good fishing is down near/on the Pa. line early on. Also watch out for the commercial fishing nets most times west of the harbor look for flag makers. When we would fish the south town tourny. we would drive back & forth every day to Barcelona. we were on the water by 6 AM & fish until 6 PM drive home, clean fish & then do it all over the next day! Really makes for a long day & lots of gas money! We spent $600 for gas & where happy as pigs in s#@t when we won a $150 box of sponsor's lures. Wives claim we were nuts ,now I think they were rite! lol
We stay at Lake Erie State Park. Nice place, and lots of friendly fisherman to joke around with...