I just want to give a big thank you to everybody on this site like Wakina, Skipper9,CaptJuls, and everyone else who gives us rookies great information. Me and 3 buddies came out this past Friday & Saturday and had a great time out there. We got there later on Friday and trolled for 2 hours off d can and picked up 3 on ddhj's. Sat.we trolled just off d can again going between it and c can and picked up 9 more on ddhj's and bandits. Some were regular and some were custom ones we picked up at dream catchers but our hottest colors were glass purple perch, some custom purple glass minnows and silver blue. It seemed like everything that had purple on it was working. We were running them at 55-85 back 1-1.5 mph. Once again a BIG thank you to everybody for a great weekend. It's was our first time out doing this kind of fishing and we had a blast and I know if it weren't for this site we would still be scratching our heads wondering where to start. Happy Easter and good fishing