[QUOTE=cycleguy;52294]Nice job! Can't wait to get out there - 12 days away.

?? What is the average size male keeper out here? If avoiding the big females, just wondering what a nice average fish is. Those look really good sized.[/QUOTE

Depends on your reason to keep them.
Many want to catch the 'Eyes for great eating and some want to get a big one or more for bragging rights. To get a few on board for eating, I keep the male 17 to 20 inchers. Bigger ones are nice for photos and then released, male and female. Since the Walleye limit is 4 now, and then 6 later, my logic is to try for both Walleye and Perch based on the conditions. I fish for eating them and you can't beat a good old fish fry with either one or better yet a mixture of both, add some sides like slaw and rings or fries.....