-20160304_141417-jpghere is a small sample of what you'll need. 800 series reef runners, deep husky jerks, skinny sticks, perfect 10s. Haven't gotten into the custom huskies yet. I'm sure I will in time though. Also with the perfect 10s you'll need snap weights. Typically the fish will be up high, top 12' of the water column. C can Niagara areas will hold fish in April. Also lots of good areas around the islands. Starve island reef area is always a "go to spot" in April and may. It is worth noting that typically you want to avoid fishing both super clear water and really stained brown water. Ideally I just want to be able to see the anticavitation plate on the engine so long as the water has that blue/green color to it. Your ideal trolling speed will be somewhere between 1 and 1.5 mph.