Had better Labor days. Mon son and I sat up N of pack at A can. I woke up with stomach cramps and feeling run over but had planned to take him so we went anyway. Started picking away but fish were mostly small and lots of sorting. The 6-8 winds were more like 12-15 and it was blowing whitecaps. We bounced around with a steady slow pick. Would have moved to find bigger fish but with waves and me feeling bad, and worse by hour, didn't want to bother crawling up front to pull anchor. By 11 it was getting hot and with me not feeling good called it a day. Had 45 fish which went 9 # at cleaners so while no bragging, at least he had some perch to take home to his hungry boys who can put fish away. Had I felt better it would have been a good morning.

Felt so bad I told him to drive home. Hit the house, promptly threw up, and spent next two days on the couch with vomiting, (the other end too) and feeling like driven over and left for road kill. It has been nasty. Moral of story....don't go fishing with flu coming on. Understand now it has been going around here and if you get it it is wicked version.