Quote Originally Posted by cycleguy View Post
Not being from the area, but enjoying the reads…. and planning on next summer, when you and others talk about casting, it sounds like a spinner rig? Weighted in what manner? I don't see much of that on smaller lakes by me. Thanks!!
It's basically a Carolina rig. Egg sinker goes on the main line, tie on a snap swivel and attach your harness. Casting, bottom bouncing whole drifting or trolling are all going to use some variation of this setup. Casting harnesses are usually going to have an 18" leader, bouncer harnesses are generally 36" long and trolling can be 5-6' leaders. Usually casting harnesses are going to be a single blade, gold is always a good color to start with. Most commercially made harnesses are going to have two hooks (some have one, some have 3) and you put the noise of the night crawler on the front hook then put the second hook through its body. Make sure you straighten them out to get the best possible presentation and prevent spinning up of your line.

Mayfly rigs, more commonly known as "weapons", are going to be similar to casting harness. The exceptions are that you use a partial crawler, they usually have small (size 3 and under) blades, single hook and there's a bead tied into the loop and you put your sinker over the loop, the bead keeps it from sliding down to the blades. I'm not entirely familiar with weapon fishing, so hopefully someone else can add to and/or correct anything I've said.

Good luck!