Unless an experienced fisheries biologist or very knowledgeable fish identification person saw the fish in person it is hard to tell. The photo isn't bad but you'd need a few more photos and close ups to really make a good determination. I've seen at least once where two or three fisheries biologists were looking at a strangely marked walleye/saugeye/sauger and they weren't sure exactly what it was, it's species makeup. Only a DNA test would be conclusive. As a past fisheries guy trained in fish ID I'd say the chance it is a pure sauger is slim, but possible. Sauger are even fairly rare in most of the Lake Erie tributaries. They are naturally a river species, moving water. Most likely it is a hybrid or a very unusual walleye. It is not uncommon in Lake Erie to catch walleye with a variety of color phases and a bit different markings. Either way as mention in another post it is a very unique catch and worth mounting. It is also possible it has some Blue Pike DNA, which may help explain some unusual characteristics. Great fish story, thanks for sharing it!