I've been night fishing for years & fish from boat in to boat out. I have my favorite spots but any rocky area can hold fish. Anywhere around the reefs, Rattle, Lucy's Point, Green, Kelleys (off Long Point and the humps on the shoal). The quieter the better. Avoid areas where there is a lot of boat traffic. A quiet lake seems to be best. They come up out of deeper water into the shallows to feed. Watch your depth. I try to anchor up before dark in a position where I can cast shallow or deep. My experience has been that showtime is when you cast a plug and there is barely enough light to see the water splash. The witching hour will be the next 45-60 minutes. I've stayed out much later but over the years the most productive time seems to be that 60 minute window. After that I head back for a beer. They seem to travel in small groups that are constantly on the move. Favorite plugs are Ripsticks (Blue Hawaian, Clown, Ghost), shallow running Husky Jerks (Blue Chrome, Tennesse Shad) & Smithwicks (Black & Chrome orange belly). I've caught them on a fast retrieve & barely moving. It helps if you've got a partner and you're mixing it up. The fish will let you know. Avoid any boat noise at all cost. A few years ago we either catching or rolling them on every other cast when my buddys son dropped a big flashlight. We never caught another fish. I'm sure some of the good sticks on this site might have different ideas. Everybody's experience is different. But over the years this formula is what works for me. Hope this helps. Good luck.