While the mayflies are hatching, the walleye are feeding on the mayflies so they are less aggressive? And once the mayflies have come to the surface, the walleye will become more aggressive again? At this point (mayflies on surface), is it better to cast/troll harnesses or does plastic and spoons still work? Thanks for the help.

Walleye.com has been great, full of very nice, extremely helpful people, including charter boat captains who could easily keep information and advice to themselves. This advice has been invaluable to those of us who aren't seasoned veterans of the lake. Thank you. But while this site has been a very pleasant experience, I've ran into so many cutthroat individuals on the water. As stated by someone in a recent post, some of the bigger boats will see a smaller vessel anchored off, or maybe drifting, and see how close they can get at full throttle without actually running the smaller boat over. I've been broke down twice, distress flags flying high, very near the pack of boats and people just smile as they drive past. That being said......A big thanks to the gentlemen who altered their course and swung back to check and see if we were alright and needed help Thursday night. We didn't, but it meant a lot to me. So if you read this, thank you.

Also.... Lol ...... If anybody finds an offshore tackle planer board floating in the lake and wants to return it but don't know who to return it to, that would be me. My 11 year old was with me Thursday night, one of the lines he set apparently wasn't set correctly. I drove in circles for 20 minutes looking for it but the darkness had already consumed it.....