Quote Originally Posted by fishreed View Post
Didn't you get your Covid, pneumonia or Shingles vaccinations pal or did you question the expert advice of qualified medical professionals too?
Yes to all of your questions about my vaccinations. I got them all at a qualified Doctors office or qualified hospital vaccination clinic. The people who administered the various vaccines had their Professional credentials on full display at an obvious prominent location at their place of business with their medical board issued license in full display as well as their academic achievement credentials such as school attended, the location of and the dates they had attended med school and dates of graduations. I proceeded with the various vaccinations after consultation with not only those professionals who administered the vaccines but licensed professional pharmacists from our local drug stores.

You on the other hand have offered no viable proof that you are and engineer in the metallurgical profession. You offer nothing but hollow condescending BS about how smart you are. You have projected all of the traits of and insecure condescending and arrogant prick looking for attention! An engineer friend of mine once told me of an old engineering saying that "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance you should baffle them with bullsh**". But you being an engineer and all must already knew that don't you.

You have failed miserably at both, so keep throwing your play ground insults at the members of this site as it shows your actual intelligence level. One thing that is for sure is that all or most all of the members on Walleye dot Com can identify a condescending arrogant prick when they see one, hear one or read what one may type on forums such as this. You fit that description perfectly. On top of all that you are so full of Road Apples(sh**it) your breath stinks and your eyes are brown. You reek so bad that your odor can be detected on the internet.