Quote Originally Posted by Hoytman86 View Post

We only have Church "The Walleye" boards, but I really like them. I prefer them to the others because they have the pin on them that not only insures they'll be safely on my line even if the front clip pulls off, but because of the clip I can actually give the line a quick tug and it will pull out of the front clip (if I rig it properly) and allow me to pull the board in without having to fight it. Even if the back clip pulls off, the board just moves on down the line to my sinker and I don't even have to bother with removing it while a fish is on which is where most of my fish are lost.
Check the back pins for groves! Some of my boards are 8 years old or older and some of the pins are grooved/cut from the braid. I purchased new stainless pins made by/for TX-12 walleye, TX-22 and TX-6. I got them from X-Tackle for $4.29 each. It makes an excellent repair part and a great upgrade from the original pin all at the same time. I needed to repair them anyhow so why not do it right?

By the way there is absolutly nothing wrong with the TX-12 Walleye boards, they are great fish catchers and planers and fit right in the spread with the TX-22's