All fishermen are liars... Except on All fishermen are liars... Except on All fishermen are liars... Except on All fishermen are liars... Except on
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  1. #31
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    Default Pictures

    I dont post pictures on here as i am not that great at trying to figure out how to do so. But with that said every trip i take pictures and they are posted on my facebook page. With that said bring on spring. Cant wait to here fish on fish on.

  2. #32
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    Wow Greg.. no I don't need a charter. And also did I refer to you? ? No. . I also know Canada. Sheridan point, the wheel colchester... these are no secret spots. I'm not saying these are your spots but I'd be willing to bet they aren't far from it. And yes two guys could sit out there a lot of times all day and get a limit of ten inches with sorting. Never did I question your fishing skills. I'm just saying to the people that have said limit of jumbos after limit of jumbos with six or eight people its bs. Not one day was it a smaller grade??? And don't get me wrong yes you can get a limit of jumbos.hell about 5 years ago 6 of us limited out around the toledo lighthouse with two to the pound. Does it happen often no way. Does it happen more in Canadian waters yes. .. every trip not happening. Good luck in 2015 and be safe

  3. #33
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    Default Pics/reports/liers...etc

    Sounds like a little stir crazy out there as I watch this thread...!
    I myself dont post alot of pics nor take them. I dont even advertise online, word of mouth and referrals are the best!!! I usually send the customers off to do their thing as I like to clean my boat for the next outing....Usually the customers take care of their pics as they wish or we will if they ask. I take them on fishing trips not photo, some times heck/ lots of times not full coolers -BUT I have heard, DAMN thats the biggest fish ive seen or caught! (on quite a few trips) An for reports...everyone has there special spots, most the time a pack of boats, time of year and water temps can lead you in the right general areas to get rolling...and most reports on are legit I believe. After a couple years of floating around you can tell whos boats are whos, and If i hear POW!!! more time im gonna sew erics and djs lips
    Only got 6 eyes today, north of cans, .8-1.2 with sledge hammers on bow, pulling heated 40 tt & frozen meat on half and warm wiggly 800rr's, colors ice cold panties, burr blue ice, and purple fingers worked well - joking / false report so dont try it!

    55 days to go or so...- hopefully this post keeps going so I have something to amuse me for next couple weeks
    aka- Capt. Concrete

  4. #34
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    Just be honest even if customers don't want pics with themselves, because we deal with some Amish customers that don't want there pics taken we still take pictures of the cooler or the fish and yeah on some days that are bad we don't post anything but that's better than posting something saying we did well when we didn't . I think what Matt was getting at was to let us charter captains know that a lot of people take our words to the bank so we should think about that when we post stuff on this forum. No one was calling anyone out just reminding all of us how much weight our words carry on this forum as captains to the members who are on here for help from us. So we shouldn't give false reports to try and drum up business we are all on here to help each other and get business but let's not forget the people who read the reports that have boats and go out off our reports there is a lot of money involved to go out fishing that's why we help each other. So just be 100% honest then no one will ever have a leg to stand on to call anyone a liar! Be safe out on the ice guys see you next spring!;
    Capt Erik
    Bose-Man Sportfishing

  5. #35
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    Hey Ron pow pow!!!!!!!!!
    Capt Erik
    Bose-Man Sportfishing

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Athens, OH
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    Pictures are worth 1,000 words, but the point of this post is not about pictures.
    People are going to read this and feel like they can't post now without pictures without being attacked. That is not the case.
    When you have one captain who never has a bad day, always caches Jumbos, and 6 Fish Ohio on the reefs during the jig bite when everyone is catching medium sized "jacks", and then in late August limits every trip with "hawgs" within 1 mile of shore... And they say these things and then Post a picture of 5 fish (when they said they caught 48) AND.. AND... This is a consistent behavior by individual users, it ruins the reputation of this site.

    You can go to any old fishing forum and have people "saying" how great they did and never have a bad day fishing. WalleyeRick has an amazing site here, and this is a great community. Many of us are far better fishermen today than ever because of this site and the willingness of captains who have been willing to share info and give advice simply to help us.

    Now we have captains that come in here and simply want to self promote and don't do anything to help others out. It gets discouraging. It's not what this site has been for years. This site is where we could come and get pretty secret info, and captains broke the mold of the typical tight lipped charter captains, and you guys would give us fantastic information that was accurate, and made us able to come up for a weekend with our boats and be on the fish right away and know what program to use.

    There has been an honesty and trust established with users of this site. My point is, now we have a few people who just want to brag about catching big fish and limits every single time (and we ALL know its BS) and they do nothing to contribute. Not only that, but they say that they where East of Kelly's when they where really by Rattle and struggled. It's really messed up when people trust the information on here, and people mess that credibility up by lying.

    If you aren't going to be honest, and if you aren't you going to help people and you just want to brag about how great you did without Sharing how and where you did it honestly, then don't post in here. This is jut my opinion. Obviously I am just another member in here and have no authority, just an opinion.

    I was worried I was the only one who felt like this, but apparently that wasn't the case.


  7. #37
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    No sir you are not alone. I think the point has been made. Thank you for getting it out there. Over due!
    F Troop 9th Cav 1st Air Cav

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    point place
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    Heck I fish out of a bass boat from the west end of the lake out of point place, and I don't even troll. Needlessbto say, I can rarely get out to where most of the trolling charters fish without trailering. I love the"drift and cast" technique. BUT, I always follow what the big boats are doing and where. So, I am not looking for exact locations or depths from anyone but I have learned to take any advice from certain captains and use it to my advantage. I pulled a lot of walleye into my boat last summer and owe a lot of the good fisherman of this site a big THANKS! Honest info can help all of us. Gotta go, startin to tie floatin rigs for the river!
    I'm gonna miss her.... ....Maybe not so much, now that she left

    2016 Tracker Targa V18 w/t
    150 Mercury 4 stroke
    9.9 Mercury 4 stroke kicker

  9. #39
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    it is not the catching for me. It is just being out on the water enjoying Gods gifts to man. Lets me release tension so I can go back to work on Monday and not bite my customers heads off. I know what is going so I get a kick out of the bull ****. Don't get me wrong, a limit brings a big grin on my face. Just a bonus. Looking forward to seeing you guys at channel grove this spring.

  10. #40
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    Well said Matt!
    Captain Greg
    Walleye2go Sportfishing

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