Reel sport team started day out by middle island weather from last night had them very finky,,we stay the morning there and got nice perch up to 13,25 inches, but slow bite got a call to move south of kellys between boat dock and shore, well it was on fire but ten junk fish to 1 perch, then we made a wise descision and change our sinker wieght to 3 ounces, and it was on fire jumbo perch, and a couple walleyes. Final results 8 man limit 240 perch 64 lbs at cleaners, and witness by division of wildlife girl, also landed 1 27 inch 7 lb walleye, threw one small one back and lost another large one at boat, also we check our perch and we had 27 perch between 10,5 and 13.25 inches, rest were soild fat perch, Tip for day heavier than normal sinker, 3 oz. and only rigs to work to day was skipper nine rigs with chartuse bead, and plain skipper nine rigs hope this helps everyone Capt Mike 419 265 2736