Quote Originally Posted by jreed2528 View Post
I have never perch'ed before and wanted to know what you are looking for, on the sonar, weeds, rock pile, a hump, a dip???? Its one thing to go out and troll for miles, your bound to find some fish, but another to throw the anchor over and sit in one spot.

Thank you to all of you that help out the once a month fishermen like myself.
Start out by searching in the known perch holding spots! D-Can, G-Can, Niagara Reef east of the buoy, C-can, B-Can and the deeper water off of the pickerel reefs to name a few in the western basin. There are literally hundreds of good perch spots and naming them all here would be impossible. Reading the reports on this site will also give you a heads up for where to start your search. Also check with the bait store for perch reports, the more fish that you catch using their reports will make you more inclined to become a regular customer so they are usually accurate to a point, be aware that conditions do change rather quickly and that what they are saying is a good report area can be a DOA area by the time you get there.

Here is a thread that will help you with your sonar reading abilities and also has a couple pictures that should help you when it comes to reading perch marks. I hope this helps but like all things your abilities will improve with added experience.
