Well this should be an interesting thread.......

I'm not too sure about the legality of "Right of Way", but I do believe that considering two vessels on a intersecting course, the vessel under power is responsible to make course adjustments to avoid collision. What if your motor wouldn't start and your anchor broke loose? Did you motor past him and drop off right in his troll path? There are always situations that are perceived differently by each persons perspective. I've had situations where I'm cussing at a guy cause he's drifting into my line and I dont have anywhere to go, and hes cussing at me because I'm trolling too close. I try to watch what everyone is doing in my intended troll path and if I need to adjust, I adjust.

We almost always troll with the wind (if there is any) or pick a path that appears to be in a similar direction as the boats we are around. This is a bit easier when you're not in a 300 boat pack.

Happens when the fishing is good, and people feel they are more privy to the fish. Don't forget we fish for fun and to fill the freezer, Charters are relying on a good trip to make money and sustain their families.