Well? Where do ya start a story that ended with a nightmare. The good first or Bad. That is the question. I will avoid both & share info from the good people that live next to camp perry. We went out at 1:00. Water so clear in 20' we could see our lure & minnows. Wow! Got to be 4:00ish no fish and moved into 17'. Buddies caught 10# & 2 jacks. Had 15+ come look & leave on Vexilar. Oh we'll? Time to leave. Here's ur heads up from locals. Never go west of a line between the access & pier head. Sandbars, shallow (thank god). We went through 150 yards off shore. Yup! Even us experienced 30 year guys. We got it out thanks to the people that live next to camp perry. A disabled verge ran that cant get out anymore due to injuries sustained from deployment. Well? I will give him Walleyes every trip from this day forward. Home or not! Fish & a note. God bless him. He gave us boards to wedge under front wheels so wench would pull it out. Tires kept going under ice and wedging frame against ice. That's my FYI to this community. We travel so much from Catawba, Camp Perry, Crane, Metzgers, Rialto Rd, Brest Bay there is no way we can know as much as a local at each location. Good Luck & Good Fishing