If OGF is so great, then why did you come here trying to stir up drama? Is there not enough there to satisfy you?

This forum sure seems to get along just fine without you trolling for drama in every other thread.

These evil charters you speak of were the 3rd and 4th posters in this very thread. And what did they post? "Come fishing with us!?!"??? NOPE.
They gave the poster their phone numbers and said to call them anytime for fishing reports and advice. Wayne Johnson and Skipper9 are so money hungry, they are probably charging by the minute for giving out fishing info, right?

I can't speak for Wayne, never met him or been in contact with him, but he seems to have great rapport on this site. You seem to be the only one with a problem with him.

Skipper9 has answered probably hundreds of calls and texts from me alone. With as many times as he has posted his phone number here on the forum, offering people advice or help, I can't imagine his phone is ever quiet. That to me shows that he isn't money hungry. He's went out of his way to help me get fishing tackle, answered my questions on using that tackle, told me where he was fishing and what he was using, you name it.