Well weather man wrong again reel sport was greeted with 4 to 6 foot seas this morning, started were we left off sat, only 2 walleyes in box as of noon, waves die down moved northwest of west sister 1/2 mile north of pack, found huge minnow schools from 12.30 to 4,30 we put 46 more walleyes in the box,
total for day 48 walleyes 16 to 25 inches 7 throw backs lost a few at boat, 4 yellow perch one with lampery mark on it, only 3 sheep heads and around a dozen white bass. Hot system today,
speed 2.5, t.t 40 45 back lures citrus sparkle, helment, jagar
bomb, muffin, Reel Sport will have walk on sat. and Sunday
July 27 and 28 and if enough intrest we will do and evening trip,
Call to reseve you seat, Capt. Mike reel sport charters 419 265 2736