Once again arrived Turtle Creek yesterday morning to be greeted by angry seas! (3-5's and + out of north) Is this becoming a broken record? This time had the time to wait it out. After good breakfast in PC and dropping some bucks at local tackle shop, lake finally started to calm about 11. Headed out in 2-3 footers, by noon nice gentle chop. One anchor NE of A can was good for 80 perch for 3 of us. Slow but steady, took till about 7 PM. Every time we thought of moving, they would turn on a bit. Very light leave it lay on bottom and then slow lift bite. Would likely have filled our 3rd ticket but ran out of minnows. (Of course my good buddy and boat captain is anal about not keeping anything less than a measured 8 inches, so we probably threw back at least 10 that were 7.95!) Our 80 was a nice grade of 8-9.5 inch perch with decent number 10's and 11's mixed in. Throw in a couple fish Ohio sheephead and several huge catfish and it was a great day. Beautiful evening when we came in.