I am new to the whole trolling thing but I am having fun learning more about it and watching it produce.
On Monday the 7th we were fishing E/NE of Kelly's half way to "C" can on the line in 45ft of water, around 7am. We started out casting only caught one, so we decided to try some trolling (about 9am) since there were numerous boat showing up trolling around us. Only got two lines (inline board @60ft, jet 30 @ 45ft, and spoons) in the water at 1.8 mph when both lines got hit, 2 walleyes. We thought this is great! We marked that spot on the GPS and worked that area only to pick up sheephead. We tried moving numerous times, even far away, we tried varying depth of the jet, we tried increasing speed (up to 2.6), we tried "S" turns, but could not pick up another walleye. Seemed like we were getting steady hits but all were sheephead.
So my question - I am doing something or multiple things wrong, wrong location, speed, presentation, time or what? Please help.