Dept of the Army corps of Engineers.
I got the letter about the dredge project of Turtle Creek. They will be removing 2000 cubic yards of material from the enterence channel of T.C. extending lakeward approx 800 feet from the West Locust Point Road Bridge to the depth of 563.2 International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD) to allow sufficient water depth for navigation...Dredge material will be placed on a scrow to be transported ans sidecasted into the nearshore area of Lake Erie west of the existing marina in approx 6 FOW... In a nut shell Its gonna be 50 ft wide with sloped edge depth is around 6-7 ft I believe. From the bridge towards the lake (north) 800 ft which will make it past the rock pier by 150-200ft... Dredging's will be dumped East of TC between their and Crane Creek...
Be Safe and good luck!