His name was Pat Chrysler and he chartered on South Bass Island with his sons. He was moving shanties in the night with his ATV. He did not see the pressure crack in the dark. ATV hit far side and he got knocked out. That's the true story. And god bless him.
It is a dangerous game, but with the right conditions and proper equipment it can be an experience one will never forget. I always take my GPS mounted on the ATV or around my neck if walking, and use the tracking feature to make sure I follow the same path in as I did on the way out. I also take 2 compasses. One mounted on my ATV and another in my pocket. A cell phone, ice picks through my coat sleeves, and wear creepers. I just cant stay away because of the average size of the fish we catch far exceeds spring and summer fishing. I.e. the last 2 Ohio State Record Walleye were caught through the ice. Our average is 24" 5lbs. too big to eat, but fun to catch.

C Ya on the water