Thought I would give an update from 45 minutes south of the lake.

Holy Crap! It is winter!!! We have had snow on and off for a few days now. It hasn't been heavy snow, nor has it accumulated a ton, but we do have snow on the ground that covers the grass and makes a mess of the floor.

I am hoping that our snow bodes well for the lake for three reasons. #1 if it's cold enough here, then that means that it is likely cold enough there and keeping the ice on the lake, which often times translates to a good hatch. #2 with snow accumulation comes a thaw, which equals good run-off for lake levels. #3 good run-off equals more nutrients for the little guys and gals when they hatch.

The snow and a new outlook at how our winter weather can affect the spring fishing, and walleye fishing for years to come, has helped to settle my Erie Fever a little bit.

How is the ice fishing going guys? Are you seeing much ice action?