Hey there Whit. Im back. I just did a 7 day fly in trip in Northern Canada. The six of us caught 812 fish. mostly eyes and a few perch. Enough bragging and on to the question at hand. If you start to fish steelies, walleye will seem fun, but not near the rush and excitement as steelies. I have always fished the North shore of Erie this time of year through Labor Day. I also fish lake Michigan and Lake Ontario for salmon and trout. This is a time when the steelies show up near Lorain. Many of the fishermen in the Cental Basin post reports with coordinates.....Hands down, the best steelie lure I have ever used is Orange Crush or Double Orange Crush. Jig is right on the money with the other color patterns. It sounds like he is also an avid steelie fisherman. Your equipment sounds more than adequate. You can run stackers above your cannon balls that gives you the ability to run 6-8 lines. Steelies like it fast. 2.5-3.5 MPH is the norm. The area I fish, we almost always double limit steelie and walleye. We catch the occasional King salmon mixed in too. Stay in touch and we can talk about making a run together.....Spoontang