Did you ever wonder how accurate your line counters are. Or are you like me and just trusted what your line counter said it was right on. Well after watching the walleye101 video found on the main page of this forum, I was suprized. So on a nice day like today i had to check my line counters on all my rods. I did exactly as the video said to do. I have eight rods not one of them was close to be accurate. They were anywhere between 23 to 32 ft. off. For example my line counter at 100' on the reel was only 72' on the measuring tape. So in reality i was not at the right depth that i thought i was at, which meant i was 3 to 4.5' above the depth i was marking fish. I found this very informitive thought i would share this with all of you. Check out this video on the home page near the bottom of page and click on the right arrow until you come to calibrating line counters. There are other interesting videos as well.
Have a great day.
Walleye Seeker