This may be a great thread with lots of good posts or it may be a bust with people not wanting to give up too many of their secrets. I guess we will see.

My question is this: How do you go about searching for walleye out on the lake?

To me, finding the walleye in open water has been a challenge to say the least. I see the charter boats at my marina coming to the cleaning tables with more walleye in a day, everyday, than I can seem to bring in all year.

I would assume if you are out everyday, you could track their movement by going to the place you were the day before and if the fish are not there anymore, it gives you a good starting point to search from. Then again, I have no idea how far walleye can and will travel in a day. Maybe they can go from one side of the lake to the other in day. I don't know. But for us guys that can only get out on the weekends, that starting point of looking for the fish is elusive to say the least.

For the ones of you that are out everyday, say for example you boat needed major work and you lost 2 weeks on the water. How would you go about getting back on the fish again if you had no one to call ask? What are the thought processes and tactics used to get back on the fish?

Are there certain places that seem to harbor the fish at certain times of the year? Do they have a set movement or migration pattern that you follow? I know it cant be all just luck. I grew up on the fishing everyday with my great grandfather in the early 80's to the early 90's and can not ever remember NOT limiting out. We never trolled and his boat did not even have sonar. How he found the fish everyday will always be a mystery to me. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I should have paid way more attention but being young I didn't. So that's why I'm asking all of you. HOW DO YOU START FINDING THE FISH.