Precision Trolling is a great book to have.... but there are so many veriables that change that data. how accurate are your line counters. dia. of line. are you trolling with, against, across the many currents out on erie. how in tune you have your RR's. typically they will spin out above 1.8 mph if not tuned properly/correctly. braid will be different than mono as it cuts thru the water easier so not as much "bow" in the line. but if you start with the Precision Trolling book info, at least you have a better idea where you might be. and as I have lost a few Precision Trolling books to water turning the pages into pulp. this is how I keep mine. just make a spreadsheet in excel, print them out and tape them inside the cover each box. you don't need every 10 foot of line out as it's usually only 1 ft deeper. example: