Quote Originally Posted by OneEyedWilly View Post
I don't post on the "other" site because there are too many "big shots" over there saying their way and opinion is the only way. There was however a big discussion there, that I was following and when people mentioned St. Mary's they were blasted saying it is apples to oranges in comparision. I am glad you brought this up and made the point about St. Mary's eventually running into the Maumee. It's an overlooked fact and over there making any point is fruitless. Nice point. Thanks. Will
I post over on the other site very little myself because of the same reason.

Here is a little history of GLSM!

Information on the size of the Maumee River water shed!

Reading the article contained in the first link you will find that the spillway on the east end of GLSM goes/drains GLSM into the St Mary's River and then into the Maumee River, the spillway on the west end goes into the Wabash River which is in the Ohio River Water Shed. Parts of both the Maumee and Ohio River water sheds drain into GLSM.The article states that the prevailing winds are westerly in direction and anyone who fishes or boats on Lake Erie knows what a high west wind can do to the water depth on the west end of Erie and in turn just the opposite on the east end. So with the west wind forcing water to the east end and into the spillway there would be more water entering the Maumee Water Shed than the Ohio River Water Shed on those windy days, just like the two or three days that we just had, add to that all of the rain fall we had during the last three days and the runoff that follows, I think you can see my point. I feel that on those windy days the Maumee gets the lions share of that nasty water from that area including all of the runoff from the mega farms that are concentrated in that area.