Went to Vermillion today and not a damn bite!!!!!!! Cranberry creek to the castle to the vermillion river. 10 to 20ft of water, was out at sun rise, which was beautiful! until 3. 20yrs ago you could catch smallmouth all day! I saw a guy today catch one and put it in his box! This is why the smallmouth population is way down because of people like this! Throw the damn thing back! i know alot of fishermen keep their catch but cmon! Im proud to say i am a catch and release kind of fisherman. My girlfriend caught a 35 inch 12lb walleye last memorial day weekend around kelleyes. I made her throw it back as she wanted to keep it. Its there to catch another day. I dont mind at all that fisherman keep their catch and eat it, but when fish that use to be a force in the water and is now hard to find, PLEASE just throw it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!