Hey everyone. I've been looking at these forums for quite some time now and I love reading about everyone's days on the lake. I recently got out of the Marines and now the only thing I do in my spare time is go fishing. I don't have a boat so I usually just go to the Maumee and catch what I can (Smallmouths and Cats) or head out to Metzgers and try to get a few perch. So my question is, is anyone out here willing to take me out on their boat? I've never fished for eyes before on the lake, but by what i've been reading, it's fun as can be and i'm dying to try it. I love fishing for perch too. So if anyone on here if willing to take me out for a day of fishing, let me know, cuz i'd appriciate it more than anything. And I am more than willing to pay my own way with gas, bait, ect. And I have all my own gear. I just really want to get out on the lake.

P.S. If this is the wrong place to be posting this thread, please let me know and i'll move it.

Thanks again to anyone who reads this.