Started Friday morning perch fishing at Lucy's point and smallmouth bass fishing around South Bass with little
success so we headed out to C can around 1:00. Couldn't find the walleye there so headed to Niagra at 5:00 pm and started drifting harnesses and 1 oz bottom bouncers off
small boards 15 ft down . Drifted the line from the green can along the North side of the reef toward the west. 2 of us pulled 7 eyes mostly on purple or perch colored blades.

Saturday: Started smallmouth fishing along East side of South Bass drifting softcrawls waiting for the wind to die so we could get to the walleye. Caught three 5 pound smallies, lost a new St Croix rod with a shimano symetry reel when I set it down to help my buddie land a fish and one decided to pull mine out of the boat. Not a good start to the day! Anyway, around 11:00 we braved the waves and headed back to Niagra. Quite an adventure going out in 5 and 6 footers. We finally got set up to drift the same setup as Friday around noon,only now we were headed Northeast on our line. Fished 2 hours and nothing but sheephead. Dropped our bouncers down to 25 feet and added some gold harnesses caught 2 pretty quick but we were now exactly 2 miles Northeast of the Can. Moved back up where we took the 2 and took 2 more, 2 on gold and 2 on purple. Fished another hour and caught nothing but sheep and white perch so decided to call it a day.

11 eyes, 3 smallies and a handfull of perch. Not outstanding by any means but considering the heat and waves we were satisfied with our results.

We have worked hard for our fish this year, changing tactics to fit conditions has always produced " some" fish. Sometimes we troll, sometimes we drifted with boards, sometimes spoons, other times harnesses. I am surprised
that we have been catching fish lately at the slow drift speeds of 1 mph or less. Normally the fish like it faster this time of year. If it isn't working for you, change it up. We have been catching our fish high in the water all year but today we didn't catch any until we got close to the bottom.

I hope some of this info is useful, best of luck everyone!