Went out in front of Fermi II in 22ft of water and caught 1 eye and then not even a bite for the next hour. We picked up and moved to the red and white 2 and drifted with crawler harnesses and caught 2 more good size eyes and a sheephead. All caught on various shades of purple. We only spent about 2 1/2 hrs of actual fishing time. We broke the 1 walleye per trip curse the boat had, LOL. The waves were crazy huge and I insisted we needed to come in. Hubby says they were 4-5footers. When we were in the dip with the waves on either side of the boat we couldnt see out and we kept getting waves coming over the back end of the boat.

Dawn 2 eyes 1 sheephead
Bart 1 eye

Love it when I catch more, he he.