we were greeted with northeast winds 2 ft. or less, also greeted
with alot on junk tree, some whole tree,and lots of branches,
plus a nice hatch of mayflys, we fished two boats today, our sister boat started at seven, done with three man limit of walleyes by 12 pm. walleyes from 2 to 8+ . 30 jets 85 back, purple stinger spoons
with black dots, 2.2 miles per hour, our big boat started at 9.00am. finished at 4.30 with 1.5 to 3lb. walleyes a total of
25 for 6 men, we were pulling 40 jets, started at 85 back,
only caught one, finally figure out distance back of 55 back
at 2.2 mph, purple with black dots. sister boat fished 4 miles to the east of
bouy 13 off maumee channel, big boat trolled from that area to
north of west sister. lot of big fish in this area, we are also fishing clear water away from everyone. very few junk fish. thanks Capt mike and Capt. Joe reel sport charters