Seems every year the same 'ole debates crop up.

Not enough walleye. Too many little walleye. The limit is too low. The limit is too high. The Canadians are taking all the walleye. ODNR Fishieries doesn't know what they are doing. Etc., etc., etc.

It is a HUGE Lake and Lake System. The entire Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, have gone through drastic changes over the last 180 or so years. The system is still in a state of flux, as change continues. It is a big job with very limited resources to track, study, and develop methods to predict and manage the Lake Erie fishery. Our fisheries people are the professionals. They know what they are doing, and do it well. You either trust them or you don't.

Lake Erie does not remain constant. The fishery does not remain constant. It will do what it will do and there isn't a lot we can do about it in the short term.

Think of fishing methods. Do we use the same fishing methods / lures we used 20 years ago?

Enjoy the resource responsibly and remember every year is going to be different.
