June 4-New friends and a few fish. Met with True Blue and his lovely wife @ 1pm Thursday to do some fishing. He was interested in learning how to use downriggers and cranks. We set up at 2:15 pm or so and worked from N Bass around to Rattlesnake and it was very slow fishing. Presentation and speed were great, the fish just didn't cooperate. After about 5 painfull hours of fishing, the pretty wife of True Blue suggested worms on harnesses with boards and flags. The last 90 minutes of fishing was fantastic and I learned the harness/board tequnique. Very cool. Thanks to Debbie, we salvaged the trip and ended up with 11 and 1 throw back. Great day on the water.

June 5- Thought I had them dialed in after Thurday. Ran back to the same spot we caught fish and finished the night before, tried worms, spoons, cranks and NOTHING!!!! How wierd is that??? About 1000 charter boats headed out on a line toward East Sister to set up, so that was where we pointed from Rattlesanke. We picked a few very nice fish in the pack, again it was very slow and we were trying everything. We just stuck with the program, worked toward W Sister, for the longest time we averaged 1 fish and hour, worked toward Niagra then back toward Rattlesnake. We picked fish in every location, far away from the packs and finished with 19 fish in 11 hours plus 3 jumbo perch. The 12 eyes we kept were very fat and healthy and likely averaged near 5 pounds. Closer to Niagra, we did pick several 15-17 inchers. All fish came on spoons and cranks. The only reason we caught our limit was persistance. We never gave up.

chicken wing was hottest, scorpion and stinger size and gold sunkiss was good too. Down deep husky jerks, blue and purple were hot colors and purple glow deep diving reef runner were hot cranks.