There is a way to get the Lake Erie NOAA MODIS Satellite image closer to the size it used to be, and it has a zoom function.

Go the Great Lakes MODIS site:
MODIS '-' Coastwatch Great Lakes Node

Choose the Lake (Dataset), Year, and Month (month is already default to current month and day).

Look at the three buttons below an image. Click the aqua green buttom at the right that says "files".

When the files screen opens, click the second, or lower, file of the two - the ".tif" file. It will download the image to your computer. It will not automatically open, you'll have to open the file. Once open, you can move the image with your mouse and zoom in. The image gets more out of focus the more you zoom in, but you can get a decent look at the various water clairities a lot better than the standard image.