Quote Originally Posted by West Basin View Post
The question inqiring minds what to know is... did you notice any change in the fishing during the totality? Or a few minutes before and after? Birds stop flying (if there were any)?

If I had my boat in the water, I would have had a few underwater cameras out there to record what was going on. That will start here in a week or two.

Most females were spawned out? Wow, that's early. The spawn goes on for weeks, but this year since the water got warmer much earlier, I would think the spawn is a good two weeks or so ahead of an average year.

The eclipse was truly awesome. Probably the most incredible natural experience I'll ever have. I saw it at a point in the middle of it's path, so I had the maximum totality time. It would have been great to see it like you did, out on the Lake, but I wanted to be at the centerline for maximum view.
So the half hour before the total eclipse I think we caught 3 walleye and 4 or 5 drum. During the totality I don't think any of us got a hit. So it seemed like they were more active during the partial eclipse than in the totality, but going 3 minutes without a bite wouldn't be that unusual. However, I would love to hear from others, and the guys that were trolling as well to hear what they experienced during the different stages of the eclipse. The more people that respond, the more accurate the results in my mind.