dreamweaver dw spoons are 1 of my top favorite in the 3 3/4 size. the best color we have used is the purple alewife. but they have many good colors.

another great spoon is the Michigan Stingger in the standard or I've had great luck with the scorpion. I had great luck with anything that has purple in it. but other colors have produced very well. I haven't used them lately but they had a bad problem with the paint peeling off back then. another color is the Dr Korvorkion. I used the scorpion spoon when I used them. the larger spoons I use now came later.

another great spoon for us has been galeforcetackle.com spoons and worm harnesses. we use mostly the smaller spoons from them. Dr Death, reverse muffin, and other colors have worked well. but our very best is the jawbreaker, it's mostly pink with spots which I believe are blue.

other brands will also work for you. try a mix of the small spoons and the medium spoons and let the fish choose the size they want that day.