Quote Originally Posted by Fishfever View Post
It was a slow pick today. We managed a two person limit, but we fished from 8:15 am to 1:30pm to get them. We had several fish that bit, but didn't stay hooked up. Found fish about 2.8 miles NE of the lighthouse in 32-35 fow. Marked lots of fish deep but had our best luck getting the ones around 18-20 ft down to bite. Best trolling speeds were around 1.5 mph and we use a variety of lures. Boated a few with Madeye Minnow in Icy Barbie color, a few on a Gold/Orange Berkley Hit Stick on 2 colors of lead core, and several on PWC custom with yellow belly and dots on the side. The average size was around 22" and we released a 28" mama. It was a beautiful, calm, Christmas Eve day on the water, even with the fog. We are truly blessed to be able to enjoy this fishery. Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas!! Great report! Truly blessed with this great fishery is 100% correct! Jealous that I don't live closer (yet) lol