It is amazing how accurate the Iwindsurf app was last week. It was dead nuts on the expected winds on Saturday. We did the same thing on Saturday morning. Launched at Catawba at 7:30am. Started trolling Bandits and flicker Minnows between Kellys and South bass. Had a 3 person limit by 1pm. Slow start, as we were trolling South to North into the wind, and then made the turn to go from North to South and starting landing fish. Running 6 poles, anywhere from 60-90 feet back. The lures that had perch colors were the most productive. Only 1 short and 1 sheep. This was our first time doing this on our own. We got a good system down and got in a groove. All went smoothly, even when we had 3 on at one time. I want to thank everyone that posts their reports on this site. It is so helpful. We are so blessed.