Thanks for all the advice, Bankangler!
I had already purchased a KastKing 7.2:1 reel before I got BBrack's comments. Tried the reel out this past weekend and really liked it, especially for the $31 price tag. I still plan to purchase the Diawa Revros that BBrack recommended as I need to upgrade 4 perch rods total... so why not try both reels out....
Partnering the reels with Shakespear Micro 5.6'. Loved the feel of this rod, trying it out this past weekend.
Another 3 perch off west side of Kelly's in 29 FOW between 7am and 9:30am Saturday. Very few boats pulling up perch around us. Fished Sunday in 4 FOW (yes four) in back Sandusky bay (behind Cedar Point) and caught about 30 perch but only 7 keepers, one 13". Will wait till September and then fish off Kelly's as well as off Cedar Point through end of October.