I hadn’t been out in a couple weeks. Visiting mom in PA. Saw through various posts many mentions of fish east of Kelly’s and even Huron. Just retired and am learning the area. Love being out on the lake. Fished walleye as a kid with my dad and his dad near Erie, PA. Great memories. Would give almost anything to have dad and grandpa back and on the boat for just one day!

Left Catawba and began in 45 fow east of Kelly’s. Few marks and no takers. Moved further east to spot I caught fish early last July about a mile or so SW of the weather buoy. Long Ride! 46 fow. Dipseys at 0 setting down 63 and 72 off the corners per advise found here with wonder bread and perch spoons. No crawlers. Also a blue/chrome bandit on an in-line board with 2 oz 50/75.

All marks below 35 ft. Caught 2 in the 18-20” range and a 16 incher. Also 4 undersized throw backs. Trolling eastward with west wind caught 3 on first pass and 4 on second. 2.4-2.6 mph. Just installed a hydraulic Garmin Reactor autopilot and it is the greatest thing! Have used it a couple times now.

Maybe could have caught more there. But I’m learning and wanted to try to find fish closer to the islands so I moved to just east of Kelly’s. 42 fow. Couldn’t find any takers although saw a few marks deep.

Mid afternoon the dark clouds moved in so I headed for the dock. Beat the storm.

At the cleaning station a fellow had a nice 26” monster he’d picked up neat Kelly’s Shoal. His only taker. His young kids were certainly impressed by the walleye’s teeth!

Had ‘non-fishing’ company over the Holiday Weekend and enjoyed ’boat rides’ but did not wet a line. Read of fish being caught west of Kelly’s and west of Green and Rattlesnake. May try there next time out. Such a long run to where I caught these on Friday.

Thanks again to all of you who share info. Helpful to this old novice! I’ll share everything I experience. Any advice on July fish closer to the islands would be super interesting. Expect to get out again this week.

Tight lines…