Tried some Fall Brawlin out of Marblehead at 8:30AM today. There were only two other boats when we launched and only noticed maybe a dozen through 8 hours of fishing. The three of us didnt really have a plan or a lot of experience this time of year, but we went out NE of Kelly’s just off of Kelly’s shoal and worked south. We picked a few shorts on small spoons off of dipseys. We stayed east of the island for about 8 hours but stayed in the same general area.
At the end we managed two nice keepers 4 and 5 pounds. They were both caught on deep divers unassisted, about 125’ back.
We lost 1 big one that nobody saw, just the fight it put up. Had two other bite-offs, I guess I need to get rid of my flouro leaders. Weather was nice, cold, but nice. Waves started out about 3’ and then subsided. Good luck!