pimplepounder is giving you great advice. i recommend anyone starting out with divers go out at least 1 time on a charter the fishes divers. it is the best money you will spend on fishing divers. I went out 2 days I guess I'm a little slow, LOL. but after those 2 days, we went out on our own running 3 divers per side. we still had a few tangles. some were because we let them out too fast and they tangled on the way out. sone tangles were getting the divers set on the wrong side of the boat. boy did that cause some mother of all tangles. and some were caused by just bringing in a fish or empty line. so besides these here is my advice.

if you're running your 3 diver in the front out say 150' to get to the fish. you need to set your 1 diver out 135' to keep them apart. I run 3 divers now and have very few tangles. but we'll keep you on 2 for now. the most important thing you can do if you bring in the 3 diver is hold the rod tip up high and move to the center of the boat without getting slack in your line wait a minute for the diver to go up and over your 1 diver, now reel your fish in.

make sure the left rod is set to the left and always set on the left.

to let the 3 diver out over the 1 diver move over as far as you can get to the other side without tangling it in the diver on that side. now with your clicker on on your reel start letting it out slow. if the back diver is out 135' let out 140' then lift the 3 rod up and over the back rod and place in the rod holder. the 3 diver should go up and over your 1 diver and settle in place. hold the rod tip slightly elevated letting the 3 diver out over the 1 diver. always let the 1 diver out 15' less than the 3 diver. then when you let the 3 diver out over the 1 diver go 5' or 10' past the 1 diver then take it up and over the 1 diver. be sure and let them out with the clicker on just loose enough the line pays out slow. hope all this helps you get started. it sounds like a lot to remember but once you do it a couple of times you'll have it. pm me if I can be of any help.