fished out of little teds cottages.thursday,got out about 2pm fished north side of kellys island started in 35 ft west side trolled all the way to far east bouy of kelly sholl.using 40 trip divers and spoons and 2 dipseys no.1 without any 1 keeper lost one decent size one close to the boat then trolled over to south east side of kellys got 1 more.headed in .friday went to south east side of kellys again trolled north and south in 35 to 42 ft water putting jets back 40 to 80 back dipseys back 70 and 65 set on 2.ended up with 7 by after noon. then sat. same 6.rough all days some rain lots of wind and white real pattern to what color or depth.didnt see or talk to anyone that had more than 10.very tough fishing.lots of sheephead and a few cats.did talk to someone that ran from little teds to sister island and got 1 and 1 sheephead,said they got beat up bad in the rough water.can only get better.water was clean.