I just spent 2 days out around Huron and then to Kelley’s. We used bandits mostly and also tried the old Erie Dearie which did well in my youth 30 yrs ago. We marked fish all over in the 20’ to 25’ range. And didn’t get a single bite either day. My guess is we fished too late in the day. Saturday we got out in the early afternoon and fished til about 5:00. Sunday we went from 10:00 am to around 3:00 pm. I didn’t see anyone having any success but I’m new to the boat and new to trolling with dipsies so it could be “user error”. So I’d love sage wisdom from those of you who consistently have success. How far back are you running your dipsies? What trolling speed is working for you. Are bandits the real deal? Or are you having luck with spoons or worm harnesses? Thanks!!