Found out this week,my buddy John got his boat put in the water at the CIC marina and he was coming up from Zanesville to check the boat out and put gear on boat.John had knee surgery about 3wks ago and was having trouble getting around.I said i could drive over to help him with the boat and hoping to even get out fishing.
The forcast did not look good for Sunday,which was our only available day.We checked the boat out Saturday afternoon and stowed the gear.The forcast for Sunday kept improving and looked like we would be able to fish after all. We headed to the north side of Kellies and set up on some marks and started putting out the lines.When putting out the 4th line, noticed the board surge back with the orange bandit at 95ft.A sight i'd been waiting to see again the past 6mo.Brought in a 27" fish which turned out to be biggest of the day.During the next 30min went 3 for 5 with another fish on that same orange bandit.
We worked that same area for next 3.5hrs and went 13 for 17.Had double at end of day and let that fish go.Weight at cleaners was 51lbs.Biggest fish we had caught in many years.Had a blast and the weather conditions were beautiful.Had a 2ft chop out of SW, partly cloudy and no rain.Not as many boats out as would have expected for a weekend.Dreadfull forcast must have scared alot of people from heading out.We did not have to dodge another troller all day.
Speed was 2.0mph.I did not catch another fish on that orange bandit at 95 the rest of day even though i checked it.Blue Chrome at 80, and a DJ custom he has no name for at 70 did very well.That custom is a front and back chartruese with white in middle with pink dots on the white.On the inside boards i ran 2oz sinkers.One was 20/2oz/25 with RC crush which did real well and the other 20/2oz/30 with humble bee also caught.All cranks were bandits.