Quote Originally Posted by eriepro View Post
No Problem Mike, The lake sure has changed in the past 40 years from 90 percent casting to about that same percentage trolling. In the early 80s most charters left the dock around 8am now most leave before sun up. We had a 10 fish limit those days & we were usually back at the dock before lunch. Casting is still very productive but limits take a little more time. I throw mostly casting harnesses now compared to weight forward spinners. Rock fishing on the Canadian side was my favorite!!!
About spooking fish in shallow water, last summer in June I was fishing 12 to 20 fow Huron area. I had jets ski's buzzing me. A pontoon boat pulling water skiers. Numerous power boats flying by nearly running my boards over. We had a nice steady pick going catching fish close to shore, everyone else was miles off shore that day. Well the boat traffic disappeared and guess what the bite stopped. So I'm not sure boat traffic is the problem. As far as buzzing by someone have some respect.